Supporting the Emotional Well-being of Your Child During an International Schools in the UAE

About to embark on an exciting new chapter in the UAE? Whilst we know that this kind of move undoubtedly offers a rich educational opportunity for your children to thrive in a world-class International School setting, it’s only natural that this new beginning is also shadowed by a little apprehension due to the uncertainty that lies ahead. At ED-SG, we have extensive experience supporting families just like yours. We understand the challenges and emotional complexities involved in such a transition. When it comes to preparing children for an overseas move, especially to international schools in the UAE, our skilled Education Consultants have put the following guide together to help you support your child to process, adjust, and build emotional resilience around the move.

Regulate Your Own Feelings

Children take emotional cues from their parents. If you or your partner are feeling unsure or uneasy about the move, it may not be time to involve your children. Wait until you have firmly made the decision that moving to an International School in the UAE is the best choice for your family and are clear on the reasons why before you tell your children.

​​Validate a Spectrum of Feelings

Remember, there are no “bad” emotions. It’s very normal for your child to feel a mix of excitement and apprehension about the upcoming move to an International School in the UAE . Encourage open communication and let them know that all feelings are valid. Reassure them that it’s okay to feel uncertain or sad about leaving familiar surroundings behind. By acknowledging and validating their emotions, you help them feel understood and supported during this transition period.

Empathise and Model Mixed Feelings

Share your own emotions with your child. Let them know that you’re feeling mixed too, and that’s okay. Model healthy coping strategies by discussing how you’re managing your own feelings of excitement and apprehension about the move to an International School in the UAE. This demonstrates to your child that it’s normal to have a range of emotions and that there are constructive ways to deal with them.

Consider Your Child’s Personality

No one knows a child better than their parents, particularly during the early years. Leverage this knowledge when informing and preparing your child for a move. Are they anxious or nervous about change? If so, you will need to take a more considered approach to telling them about the planned move to an International School in the UAE. Are they the kind of child who thrives on new experiences? In this case, a more relaxed approach may work. Their current stage in life also plays a part in how they react to the news of a move. Do they have a close group of friends? Are they in an important school year? All these factors influence how your child views news of an overseas move to an international school in the UAE.

Allow Time for Them to Prepare

Provide your children with as much advance notice of your move as possible. Like adults, this allows them to process the news, raise any concerns, and accept the upcoming change. It also gives your family time to prepare for your new adventure.

Listen to Concerns

It is likely your child will have concerns about moving away. Depending on their age and your family situation, they might worry about:

  • Leaving friends
  • Changing schools
  • Making new friends
  • Learning a new language
  • Staying in touch with family at home

Acknowledge their fears but reassure them that you will do everything possible to make their new situation work for them. Talk about other times of change when they felt nervous but coped, such as starting school, taking up a new hobby, passing an exam, or spending time away from home.

Give Future Expat Kids Choices

Where possible, involve your children in the plans for living in a foreign country. Choices can vary from what toys to bring to how to decorate their new room. Involving them in the move helps them feel more in control of the situation. Consider involving them in choosing their International School in the UAE. When you are evaluating education systems and deciding between international schools in the UAE, you can use the catalog detailing the shortlist of schools suggested by your ED-SG Education Consultant to explain the differences between the schools and ask for their opinion. If possible, have them accompany you on visits (in person or virtual) to the shortlisted options before making a final decision.

Maintain Routine

Routine is essential for most children from birth onwards, and in times of change, it can bring a sense of normality to an evolving situation. While it won’t be possible to maintain every element of your usual routine, agree on some key elements with your family. This could be Sunday pancakes, a weekend trip to a local playground, or a story before bed. Maintaining a sense of normality helps expat children feel at home no matter where in the world you are.

Read Books About Moving Away

There are various books for children about moving away, suitable for young children, older children, kids who are looking forward to the move, or kids who feel anxious or sad about it. Reading stories about significant change helps name the feelings they are having and brings up topics for discussion they might not have thought of. Reading books specifically about the UAE and what makes it special can also be helpful.

Plan and Provide Connection

Provide your child with regular reassurance that no matter what happens, your love, support, and bond as a family will remain. They may need extra attention during this period of change, so arrange additional one-on-one time doing some of their favourite activities. Also, plan for how your children will stay connected to friends, family, and your home culture while you are overseas. Social media makes connection easy, but it may also be nice for your children to stay in touch in a more tactile way through sending postcards and letters to friends and family.

Support from ED-SG Education Consultants

At ED-SG, our team of experienced educators is here to support every part of your family’s exciting new chapter in the UAE. We understand the complexities and emotional challenges of moving abroad and are dedicated to making this transition as smooth as possible. From helping you choose the right international schools in the UAE to offering guidance on settling in, our experts are here to ensure that your family’s journey is both successful and enriching.


There is no doubt you will face some hurdles on the road to becoming an expat family. Taking the time to prepare your children for expat life, especially when transitioning to an International Schools in the UAE, will make your role as an expat parent much easier. With the support of your ED-SG Education Consultant, you can confidently embrace this exciting new chapter in your family’s life. Book a free consultation with one of our International Education Experts here: Book a Consultation